94 Print(
"[BackendCallback] Data received, size=" + size);
113 Print(
"[BackendCallback] OnSuccess()");
121 Print(
"[BackendCallback] OnTimeout");
168 result =
"Communication Disabled";
170 result =
"Cannot be called from current state";
172 result =
"Busy processing requests";
174 result =
"Already disconnected";
176 result =
"Already connected";
178 result =
"Failed to logon";
180 result =
"Failed to Authenticate";
208 Print(
"[Backend] Successfully Solicited: " + step );
216 Print(
"[Backend] Failed to Proceed: " + step );
Backend request.
Credential parameters.
Backend error.
proto native BackendApi GetBackendApi()
proto native string GetCredentialsItem(EBackendCredentials item)
Get credentials value per item.
proto native void PlayerRequest(int request, BackendCallback cb, JsonApiStruct dataObject, int iPlayerId)
Ask player request with callback result from controller (Lobby)
void OnCannotInitiate(int code)
Called when initiate cannot be called.
void OnSuccess(string step)
Called when step was successfully proceeded.
proto native void VerifyCredentials()
Invoke credentials update (authenticate with new name+password)
proto native bool IsDisconnected()
Backend offline - authentication may be initiated.
proto native bool Initiate()
Initiate backend - request processing.
proto native void Request(int request, BackendCallback cb, JsonApiStruct dataObject)
Ask specific request with callback result.
void OnCannotShutdown(int code)
Called when shutdown cannot be proceeded.
proto native bool Shutdown()
Shutdown backend - request processing.
proto native void FeedbackMessage(BackendCallback cb, JsonApiStruct dataObject, string message)
Send feedback message and/ or script object with whatever data on it (additionally it is possible to ...
proto native bool IsBusy()
Backend is busy - authentication in process.
void OnFail(string step)
Called when step failed.
proto native void SetCredentialsItem(EBackendCredentials item, string str)
Set credentials value per item.
proto native bool IsRuntime()
Backend fully working and initialized.
string GetErrorCode(int code)
Error code to string.
void OnTimeout()
Request not finished due to timeout.
void OnDataReceive(string data, int size)
Called when data were recieved, you can ignore it when using callback to JsonStruct object with expan...
void OnSuccess(int code)
Request finished with success result.
void OnError(int code)
Request finished with error result.
proto void Print(void var)
Prints content of variable to console/log.