Элементы перечислений |
NONE | Attached magazine will be full and no round will be chambered.
CHAMBER | Chambers bullets.
CHAMBER_RNG | Maybe chambers bullets (sequential rng) example: 1 1 1 0 0 0.
CHAMBER_RNG_SPORADIC | Maybe chambers bullets (full random) example: 0 1 0 0 1 1.
QUANTITY_RNG | Randomizes the quantity of the bullets in the spawned magazine.
AMMO_MAG_RNG | Fully randomizes the ammo type instead of picking one random for the entire mag (needs to have type as empty string)
AMMO_CHAMBER_RNG | Fully randomizes the ammo type instead of picking one random for all chambers (needs to have type as empty string)
MAX_CAPACITY_MAG | Instead of randomizing when type is empty, it looks for the one which has the highest capacity.
Fully randomizes the ammo type instead of picking one random for all chambers (needs to have type as ...
Chambers bullets.
Maybe chambers bullets (full random) example: 0 1 0 0 1 1.
Instead of randomizing when type is empty, it looks for the one which has the highest capacity.
Randomizes the quantity of the bullets in the spawned magazine.
Maybe chambers bullets (sequential rng) example: 1 1 1 0 0 0.
Fully randomizes the ammo type instead of picking one random for the entire mag (needs to have type a...
enum FSMTransition WeaponTransition
represents transition src -— event[guard]/action -—|> dst