DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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◆ Send()

proto native void ScriptRPC::Send ( Object target,
int rpc_type,
bool guaranteed,
PlayerIdentity recipient = NULL )

Initiate remote procedure call. When called on client, RPC is evaluated on server; When called on server, RPC is executed on all clients. Do not reset ScriptRPC internal state, so if is Send called multiple times in a row, it sends same (previously written) data again and again, until is Reset() called.

targetobject on which remote procedure is called, when NULL, RPC is evaluated by CGame as global
rpc_typeuser defined identification of RPC
recipientspecified client to send RPC to. If NULL, RPC will be send to all clients (specifying recipient increase security and decrease network traffic)

Перекрестные ссылки Object.

Используется в RequestPlayerInfo(), PluginBase::RequestUniversalTemperatureSources(), PluginBase::SendDebug(), MissionBase::SendMuteListToServer(), NotificationSystem::SendNotificationToPlayerIdentity(), NotificationSystem::SendNotificationToPlayerIdentityExtended(), SendRPC(), ScriptConsoleItemsTab::SpawnPreset() и MissionBase::SyncRespawnModeInfo().