DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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◆ ThrowErrorCode()

static proto int ErrorModuleHandler::ThrowErrorCode ( int errorCode,
string additionalInfo = "" )

Throws the error code and sends it to the handler of the category.

errorCodeint The full error code
additionalInfostring Any additional info regarding the error, usually data
int The full error code
int errorCode = ErrorModuleHandler.ThrowErrorCode( 0x0002FFFF );
Print( errorCode );
>> errorCode = 196607
static proto int ThrowErrorCode(int errorCode, string additionalInfo="")
Throws the error code and sends it to the handler of the category.
The error handler itself, for managing and distributing errors to modules Manages the ErrorHandlerMod...
Определения ErrorModuleHandler.c:29
proto void Print(void var)
Prints content of variable to console/log.