DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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◆ IsPlayerInStance()

proto native bool IsPlayerInStance ( int pStanceMask)

-------------— camera additiona functions ----------------------—

returns true if player is currently in one of the stances specified by stance mask IsPlayerInStance(STANCEMASK_ERECT | STANCEMASK_CROUCH) returns true if player is standing or crouching and not raised (aimed) IsPlayerInStance(STANCEMASK_PRONE | STANCEIDX_RAISEDPRONE) returns true if player is in or in prone (both raised or nonraised) IsPlayerInStance(STANCEMASK_ALL) returns true always IsPlayerInStance(STANCEMASK_RAISEDERECT | STANCEMASK_RAISEDCROUCH | STANCEMASK_RAISEDPRONE) returns true if player has raised hands

Используется в ManBase::CanRoll(), ForceStandUpForHeavyItems(), DayZPlayer::HandleView() и ManBase::OnCommandMoveStart().