DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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◆ OnAfterLoad()

void RemotelyActivatedItemBehaviour::OnAfterLoad ( )

См. определение в файле RemotelyActivatedItemBehaviour.c строка 63

64 {
66 {
68 if (receiver)
69 {
70 //if both the receiver and trigger are somewhere in the world outside of the player inventory, there is no guarantee
71 //that the pairing is going to be succesful during the 'OnStoreLoad' event as that requires the receiver to already be loaded when the trigger is being loaded
72 //therefore, it's necessary to also perform pairing in this event, which happens at the end of the storage loading process
73 //do note that this event is not called when the entity is being loaded as part of the player inventory, therefore, we need to pair both in 'OnStoreLoad' and here to handle both situations
74 //(when the trigger is in the player's inventory, it always loads correctly after the receiver, which is always in the world)
75 Pair(receiver);
76 }
77 }
78 }
class LogManager EntityAI
const int MIN
Определения EnConvert.c:28
static ref map< int, EntityAI > m_RemoteReceivers

Перекрестные ссылки m_IsTrigger, m_PairDevice, m_PersistentPairID, m_RemoteReceivers, MIN и Pair().

Используется в InventoryItem::EEOnAfterLoad().