proto void | DumpStack () |
| Prints current call stack (stack trace)
proto void | DumpStackString (out string stack) |
| Prints current call stack (stack trace) to given output.
proto void | DebugBreak (bool condition=true, void param1=NULL, void param2=NULL, void param3=NULL, void param4=NULL, void param5=NULL, void param6=NULL, void param7=NULL, void param8=NULL, void param9=NULL) |
| Triggers breakpoint in C++ in run time(when app is running in debug enviroment)
void | CompileBreak () |
| Triggers breakpoint in C++ in compile time(when app is running in debug enviroment)
proto void | DPrint (string var) |
| Prints content of variable to console/log. Should be used for critical messages so it will appear in debug log.
enum ErrorExSeverity | ErrorEx (string err, ErrorExSeverity severity=ErrorExSeverity.ERROR) |
| Error message, prefixed by method name, above 'INFO' will show a messagebox.
proto void | ErrorExString (string err, out string str, ErrorExSeverity severity=ErrorExSeverity.ERROR) |
proto native void | Error2 (string title, string err) |
| Messagebox with error message.
void | Error (string err) |
| Messagebox with error message.
proto void | Print (void var) |
| Prints content of variable to console/log.
proto void | PrintToRPT (void var) |
| Prints content of variable to RPT file (performance warning - each write means fflush! use with care)
proto void | PrintFormat (string fmt, void param1=NULL, void param2=NULL, void param3=NULL, void param4=NULL, void param5=NULL, void param6=NULL, void param7=NULL, void param8=NULL, void param9=NULL) |
| Prints formated text to console/log.